Sunday, January 11, 2015

Recap of the first few months here _ part I

Thanks to facebook and instagram I've already posted some of whats been happening. Thus here's a recap. Just a week before I was suppose to drive out here with my future roommate and co-worker, she decided to quit the program... This complicated a few things for me ... one of which was that I needed to take a 2.5 day trip here from the east coast .. on a bus with everything I could carry, rather than drive out with her. Another was that I needed to find a roommate ASAP, because I couldn't afford the rent in my new apartment in my own. Within a few weeks, everything worked itself out. Cleo decided to move out here to help me out and join me on my adventure. The day that she got here.. was also the day that we met my future roommate, Rasheed. Rasheed is a freshman at MNSU ( the state university in town), he's an international student from Yemen which I think is pretty awesome.
Living with him has allowed me to have various cultural conversation which have broaden my horizon. I love it. We're from totally different sections of this world... and yet our values aren't all that different from one another... The world never ceases to amaze me. Here are some pictures of the road on the way here
Last picture before leaving Connecticut.
Quick stop in Cleveland, Ohio
Cornfields and Cornfield and more Cornfields is all I saw for most of the trip
Arriving in Chicago , IL
Catching the sun rinsing in St. Paul on my 2 day being on a bus... I had to wait that the terminal in St.Paul for over 5 hours before I could catch my last transfer to 'Kato

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