Sunday, January 11, 2015

Living in the Mid-West.

I know I said I would start a blog as soon as I came out here ... but honestly at first the move was rough and I didn't have much to say about it that wasn't ranting or complaining. Once things settle ... my next excuse was that well there isn't that much happening here in my life...especially since I can't post much about my kids due to the confidentiality agreement with Americorps. The latter is still true, but I figured if I wanted a nicely documented memory of my experiences in life I needed to start blogging again. Who knows maybe in few years I'll make this one into a book too. So maybe I should blog at least once a week... as a reflection piece. Today is the 11th of January, I just finished doing my reflection post for Americorps. I'm just about half way through my commitment with Americorps. We're all getting to a point where yes, we are suppose to start seeing results ... and yes, we are suppose to be making moves that ultimately should alter the course of our little ones... but at the same time... It's January and thus everyone is thinking of their new years resolutions.. and what they want to accomplish in 2015 ... especially what's going to happen in their lives after Americorps.. AHHHH so much that's still unknown. It's a but overwhelming! But at the same time I wouldn't want it any other way. There's just so much opportunities ahead of me. A blank page for me to create my next adventure, with of course a few characters and a pre-face that's not to be altered.

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